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Saturday, July 14, 2012

TIPS - Nail Grooming (Fingers + Toes)

Tips for grooming your nails

Clean, trim, groom and paint
Memorize these steps it should be your mantra. There is nothing and I repeat nothing more unattractive than seeing overgrown cuticles, chipped edges and dirty nails while you’re writing checks. Remember a person's Fingernails unveil their personal hygiene within seconds, almost faster than you can say but... you should follow a weekly grooming routine and  treat your nails the way you treat your hair basically. Having a professional manicure and pedicure is ideal, but if not, then why not buy a home kit for nails. But do memorise the mantra – it’s meditation for your nails :)
Quick tip:
Apply your favorite oil-based cuticle cream to your nails before going to bed. It’ll help hydrate, soften and repair the cuticles.

Bright, but mature nail colors
The biggest problem with bright colours is that it puts you on the borderline of a teenage, pop music lover and a corporate business junkie. So to not be generalized as such, stay clear from cotton candy colours and go for bolder hues. However if you do want a pop of gelato shades on the nails, you can then ask a professional manicurist to give you a half-moon design or French manicure

Hey don't forget your Toes!
The trace of summer in the southern hemisphere air brings with it the love for revealing shoes. Repeat the mantra for the toes because every woman’s addiction to shoes needs a grounded justification. Wear clashing colours so your foot can make the statement for your outfit – red nails with green stilettos or purple shoes with yellow nails. There are no boundaries this season.

Watch the shape!
The shape of the nails has always been a debate. The good news is that there are no rules to follow. Pick a nail shape that works for you with options being rounded, almond shape, square, pointed, oval, slightly sided with a pointed end. If you’re painting a bright colour, keep them short otherwise it’ll look comical and tacky. But the nails should extend to the edge of the finger. If you pick neutral and earthy shades, then long and shaped nails are the key.

Using a base coat is important!
If you’re a regular nail polish wearer, then ‘yellow-stained nails’ must ring a bell. Just as other make-up regimes demand a prep-up, coating the nails with a base coat is an absolute must. It not only feeds your nails with Vitamin E and minerals, but also protects them from lacquer stains.

Good luck! Let me know how it goes...

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