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Thursday, December 30, 2021

Rapper JACKBOY ...and Friends In The Bahamas - Christmas Weekend!

👀Word on the street!  -All roads lead to the famous Cheetah's Bar & Grill on Christmas Eve - PRE-PARTY + AFTER PARTY! 

Young rappers JackBoy, Mooski, BRS Kash, Capella Grey and Pop Hunna was set to perform live for the holiday weekend at Mario's Bowling Alley Skating Rink in Nassau Bahamas, December 24th-26th. No fault of their own or the concert promoters, urgent changes to the country's health protocols called for additional safety measures. One of the main requirements to attend events such as this was to have a Covid Test conducted at the gate and of course sanitizations and social distancing.

The date was officially changed to December 25th, Christmas night for the full concert! but that didn't hinder the crowd who was eager to see the up and coming rappers perform new songs, as well as their latest hits -the concert was lit! 
Radio personality Erin Reign was the hostess for the night and for those who know her, would agree it was the perfect choice. 
A NightLife Entertainment event in association with Cheetah's Lounge.Tickets were $40 General, $60 VIP and $100 ALL-ACCESS.

I'm sure this was a major boost for the country's economy -coming out of a two year lock down. It was also a big opportunity for these young rappers to expand their fanbase on the international stage. I'm sure if you didn't know their names before, you know them now!


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