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Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Kimye says NOWAY to Baby Shower and YES to Charity #BONUS

We know Kimye rarely gets brownie points, but I thought this was a great gesture on their part and shows maybe they are not so self-centered. 

The parents-to-be asked that donations be sent to Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago instead of having a baby shower! 

How nice, a statement was released from the Hospital thanking them for their support:

“Ann & Robert H. Lurie Children’s Hospital of Chicago would like to extend its sincerest gratitude to Kim Kardashian and Kanye West for their thoughtfulness and support of the hospital. Funds donated on behalf of Kardashian and West will be directed to the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit Fund which will help care for the most critically ill babies and their families. We wish them all the best in the upcoming arrival of their baby.”

Well they certainly can afford it... 

One day I'll be able to tell you guys that sigh!! but until then, bring on the Gifts baby... preferably in monetary form LOL!

In other news... I see Kim is still refusing to wear Ma-ter-ni-ty clothing or similar like most pregnant women. SMH. 

McAfee, Inc

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