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Friday, August 3, 2012

To Multiple Date or Not...?

Multiple Dating:
Is Dating More Than 
One Person At-A-Time... OK?

What exactly does it mean to "Date"? I think we all can pretty much agree that a date refers to an activity that two people share, with the intention of getting to know each other better, on a potentially romantic level.
The bigger question that arises from this is, is it okay to date more than one persons at a time?' or is there a golden rule to dating, where it should be just 'one'?.

Yes, everyone has their view; some say dating more that one person is "fun". 
I asked ten persons what they thought, 8 of them said they would prefer an exclusive dating arrangement, in other words; dating one person before moving to the next.  

Whether it be 1 person or 5, there are a few things one should consider:

1. Honesty is still the best policy. Be honest with your dates. Let all involved know "if" you are dating other people.  It is important to encourage openness and remember even though this may or may not sit well with the other person, You must give a person the choice, to remain apart of your dating circle.

2.  Many feel that dating multiples may lead them to "Mr. or Mrs. right" faster! This may be true but you must remember it is the quality, and not the quantity or your dates that predicts the success of it. 

3. Not everyone can multitask, I advise those dating more than one person to keep a schedule; as to not get dates and times confused. Dating multiple people definitely takes more energy and time. I had a conversation with a female who admitted she had to go on two dates in one night because her signals got crossed. 
4. It is said one of the greatest reasons for having more dates is that it gives one the opportunity to make comparisons; seeing what works with one and what doesn't work with the other. I agree, that would help in your elimination process but, remember not to limit yourself to just those dates. Because one may not work out does not mean the other is the right choice! Your final decision should be based on good, sound judgements and what it is you are looking for in a partner.

5. Dating is fun... you may find dating multiples- boosts your confidence, it may make you feel like a teenager again. All of that is fine, but you must remember that your goal at the end of each date is to get to know the person's likes, dislikes, compatibilities, personal background and if you two share the same ideals. Always stay focus on your goal.

Those are just a few tips for you to ponder on. Whatever you decide remember to relax, have fun. Do not feel pressured into anything!
The purpose of dating whether it be (one, two or five) is to weed out wrong dates and have a winner at the end of the process, don't be afraid to express your feelings to your dates. It is important to maintain mutual respect and honesty all the time. 

Hey, and if either doesn't work out,  Keep it moving! You will find the right one eventually.

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