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Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Love & Relationships - Part 1

 ~ Love & Relationships ~ 

 We all know the basic keys to a Long, Healthy and Successful Relationship, but, sometimes we need a little reminder right? :) 

A healthy relationship must consist of:

1. APPRECIATION: Every human-being wants to feel appreciated. We expect it from our bosses, friends, children, family members, heck even our pets; so without a doubt we expect it from our significant other. The key is to put it into action. People say all the time "I appreciate you" but, think about it... if it's not seen or felt then to most it doesn't exist.
So why not buy a small gift every month, make offers to make your special someone's day a little easier; whether it be- offering to do the dishes, drive them to work, or rub their tired feet. :) There is much you can do, so you decide what suits you.

2. FORGIVENESS: This is probably the most common problem most couples face, some situations are simple, others more complex. Forgiveness is necessary if you want your relationship to elevate. Punishing, ignoring, and spitefulness won't work, it may make you feel better to give him/her a hard time, but it will eventually lead to resentment. Evaluate the situation and remember, forgiving someone is not just for them, but for your health as well.

3. COMMUNICATION: Hidden resentments poison a relationship; so if something bothers you, say it. Ladies, remember that while men are wary of emotional conversations, they love to find solutions. Express your problem and then ask him to help you find the answer. Men, do not ignore a possible problem, you should know your partner well enough to know when something is bothering them, so inquire.

4. ACCEPTANCE: I understand there are some things your partner may do consistently to your annoyance, whether it's grinding their teeth, leaving the toilet seat up or when he/she leaves hair in the sink. The key is realizing that we are all imperfect. So instead of allowing yourself to become angry and cause a rift; help him/her find ways to resolve their personal peeves, put the toilet seat back down; doesn't he have to lift it up? then clean the sink with love, I guarantee you won't remember it minutes later. Realizing that we all have our faults and your partner comes with them.

5. PASSION: All relationships start with a certain level of passion. The key is to maintain it or if the flame was lost, find the things that existed in the beginning to light that fire again.
Do things that will most likely restore good feelings in your relationship; like, give your partner a genuine, loving and approving smile or hug once a week.

Did this help your situation? Let me know!

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