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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Do you have a hard time getting
your kids to bed?
Bedtime stories are still the answer...

Okay I know it has been said time and time again that children should be read bedtime stories every night; so much so that some parents feel that it doesn't really work. But, have you noticed it's harder for parents to commit themselves to read to their children on a consistant basis than it is for children to get to sleep?

Truth is, the stories triggered sleep time - There are times you find they start dozing before you utter the words 'once upon a time'. The routine of a bedtime story will help your child relax also, children respond well to routine when they are very young. If you don't have one already try this (TV off, bath time, warm tea or milk, bedtime story, sleep).

It works and it's beneficial:

  • Develops their language and listening skills.

  • Colour and shapes in the books will help with their creativity. 

  • Many children's stories are about solving a problem for the character, or about a difficulty that has a happy ending, so your child is already learning about life's challenges in a subtle and gentle way.

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